It has been a while since this blog was updated, mostly because there has been little to announce. We have met with the City's representatives at OLR nine times since negotiations began, and our bargaining proposals have been presented and discussed by the parties, including issues that we know are of great importance to our membership such as wages and due process. As expected, the city has provided resistance on almost every one of our demands. The good news is that negotiation sessions, which had been difficult to schedule given the unusually large number of city agencies involved, are now coming at more regular intervals. We do not know if or when we will reach an agreement, but more frequent activity is most definitely a better sign than no activity at all.
When we have more concrete news to relay, we will let the membership know. In the meantime, please keep in mind that while bargaining is ongoing, your representatives on the Negotiating Committee cannot divulge details of the negotiations and asking them for specific information puts them in an awkward situation. Thanks for your understanding on this matter.